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Riethoven, the Netherlands, 24july 2006
Dear Jean -Marc,
Here is one of your au-pairgirls from the Netherlands! Y was there in july 1978, when you were two years old and your brother only six months. Y remember you very well, and even recognised you from the photo, and also other members of the family.You were my first baby,s!
You called me “marron”, and we could go along with each other very well.Y am an artist,one of the things y do is painting portraits, y am a siversmith,happyly married, and we have two sons, 13 and 17 years old.Y still have some pictures of you and your brother,if you want y can sent them by e-mail.
Wish you and your family ( and sweet daugter) all
the best there is.
Marion Welter-Haima
Hi Marion ! You surely imagine what a surprise it is to find your message on our blog… Flashbacks from 28 years are quite uncommon… Another one of the girls who took care of us contacted us a while ago ( but we were much older at the time she was with us and you beat her by quite a few years…
My memories from 1978 are second hand impressions and old photographs so it is even more exciting to read your account of the time you spent with us. You probably recognized the appartment where my parents are still living and maybe you saw reminiscences of the 2 year old me in Pauline at the same age. I\’m glad the pictures and texts I put online gave you the occasion to reconnect with that past !
I am going to take another look at my parent\’s photo collection to see if I can find pictures of you. But my parents do not take as many pictures as me so I fear that images of that time will be very few. So if you have some of them, please do send them to us by email : I will be very very happy to see them !
Thank you very much for contacting us, and all the best to your familly !
Comment by Jean-Marc Liotier 07.24.06 @ 3:43 pmLeave a comment
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