Jean-Marc now works for Neuf Cegetel in Boulogne Billancourt
Monday October 08th 2007, 5:31 pm
Filed under: Meta,Profession by Jean-Marc Liotier

I you fancy lunch with me, I’m afraid I am no longer able to take you to my usual restaurants Porte de La Villette and Avenue de Flandre… My new professional dwelling place is now the Neuf Cegetel office named Quai Ouest, right across the bridge from the Issy – Val De Seine train station. But I’m sure we’ll find plenty of restaurants to explore there too…

Nouveau numéro de Jean-Marc
Wednesday April 18th 2007, 1:00 pm
Filed under: Français,Meta by Jean-Marc Liotier

Jean-Marc Liotier est maintenant joignable en phonie et par SMS à +33 666 75 87 47.

Son ancien numéro est dès maintenant abandonné.

Read everything by Jean-Marc
Wednesday June 07th 2006, 9:43 pm
Filed under: English,Meta by Jean-Marc Liotier

All photos, articles and news items by Jean-Marc are now available compounded in one single feed. If you want to know what Jean-Marc is up to or what raises his interest, this is the place.

Welcome to the Liotier news outlet !
Thursday October 27th 2005, 3:40 pm
Filed under: English,Languages,Meta,Topics by Jean-Marc Liotier

If you are even vaguely related to Maurice Liotier then you probably belong here… Your articles will be welcome, so go ahead and create an account so that you can publish them here. Weddings, births, birthdays, the latest progress with your children, Liotier meet-ups, parties, Liotier pictures… Anything Liotier related is on-topic so feel free to express yourself : this blog is yours !

You are welcome to post in the French language as well as in English. And if you have not yet had the inspiration for an article, please do register so that you can post comments to articles !

See you soon… Watch this space !